Friday, January 29, 2010

La Ñapa Starts Today Giving Advice

Today starts a new journey - La Ñapa - a new blog to give small advice to those people relocating to Miami, especially in the Latin community and more specifically to those from a small island in the Caribbean (100 x 35) - you all know who you are! Do you need a new pediatrician for your kids? Do you want to buy a property and don't know where the best schools are? Are you, (God forbid!) in the midst of pending divorce? Do you need a romantic dinner but do not know the place to rekindle the passion? That is the aim of La Ñapa !!

For my Spanish speaking friends: Hoy comienza - La Ñapa - un blog para aquellos que se están pensando mudar a Miami o ya lo han hecho y no saben por dónde empezar a buscar pediatras, escuelas, restaurantes o simplemente quieren consejitos de vida para mejorar la suya aquí!! A todos les digo - BIENVENIDOS !!

What constitutes my savvy knowledge or NOT of Miami? Being myself an "expatriada" for the past sixteen years in the shores of Miami and the fact that I still visit my little island of Puerto Rico several times a year - a back and forth of "costumbres" and way of life. I consider myself "Boricua" but I live in Miami! ... and believe me there are more and more of us moving here everyday and adapting to the ways of Miami but we still have one foot there and one foot here!

Just a reminder: The advice (opinions) expressed in La Ñapa and those leaving comments are theirs alone and do not represent the opinions of any third party represented in them. The opinions posted in La Ñapa do not in any shape or form constitute a professional advice.

That said (totally needed for liability reasons) lets start blogging! Disfruten La Ñapa !!


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